Mommy got me this AWESOME toy, and best of all it was free. It came out of a happy meal that

one of the neighbors gave to mom - it was some sort of spiny disk thingy. Mom or dad pulled this cord and these ufo things went flying through the air and BOY did I love to chase them. I would tire myself out playing with that, funny thing is that mom or dad never got tired. I think that pulling that string wasn't as difficult as me running after the disks.
Well anyway, dad liked to pull the string really hard and make the disk fly really far. But last night dad pulled a little too hard and the string broke. So no more diskus toy unless mom goes to McDonalds and gets a happy meal (no onions, she hates onions)
So after my toy broke, mom went inside and got one of my

squeaky toys - a little squeaky baseball - white so my mommy can see it inthe grass. I played with that for a bit, but got tired pretty quickly since daddy had been playing with me earlier.