My mom is all excited and semi-stressed. I think I've said this before, but the count down is getting smaller and smaller. Since dad is coming home really early in the morning, mom and I will not be sleeping before she goes to pick him up (unless it's a small nap, but that's IF she can get to sleep.) This also means that it will seem like he's coming home TOMORROW! This puppy could not get any more anxious. I'm constantly waiting by the door!

My Sister MeeKeeKee is getting very vocal. I think she's excited to have dad home as well. Maybe now she won't bother mom in the morning as much, since she'll have dad to demand attention from. I'll at least let him fully wake up before I start playing with him,
I can't, My legs are too short. But I will Give him a good lick for ya. ;D
Ummm, MeeKeeKee looks a little evil to me!
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